Medical Practice
Physicians are facing the decisions that HIPAA guidelines and Electronic Medical Records systems present them with to comply with upcoming guidelines for patient records management. Take a look at an article that was published in the South Florida Hospital Newspaper (EMR Article). Whether your medical practice has 1-10 doctors, or the more extensive multi-disciplinary diverse practice, My Support Services Group has stepped in to fill the gap with affordable services, no contracts, and suggestions to allow for EMR systems and scheduling to be integrated with websites that we can design for your needs through our strategic partnerships.
Currently, we provide high-speed Network Operations Centers (NOC) to store your physical or virtual servers to connect your offices and mobile devices to. With the economy changing and drug manufacturers providing drug studies to supplement the reduced incomes of medical practices out there, our web designers are at work building sites that are more automated and work with less maintenance to free up your staff and collect vital information for drug companies to assist you in the selection of potential candidates. Because your office may not be sufficiently large enough to support the additional staff to address I.T. needs, My Support Services Group will be there to assist you focused services and products that you need.
Whether you need Virtual Private Network (VPN) connections to keep up with work at the office from home or the road, we can build the network for your needs to maintain the data integrity (Security Article). Adding Blackberries, or smart phones to the office will allow you to stay in constant contact with your patients and office staff to keep you current with the most technological edge that we can provide in an affordable package.
Don't let your size keep you from realizing that you can compete with the "Big Dogs" in the industry.